Donnerstag, 13. März 2008

Moving Stills

Well I got this blog today and while setting it up, I looked out the window wondering what on earth anybody could call their blog. There are trillions and trillions of blogs out there and each blogger has succeded in creating a unique name for himself.

The truth is that I hate blogging. I hate it because from my teenage to adolescent years, I kept a diary whom I told everything. My diary could take in all my thoughts and never asked a question..never posted a comment back. That was where I poured out my common thoughts on uncommon things. They had all thought I was crazy then. Now I have to pour out my thought for the whole world to read. Even unwashed individuals who slurp all over their keyboards get to read my thoughts. Yes, the world has gotten so decadent that people read your thoughts while doing the most horrendous things they can do behind their oily four walls with the blinds drawn, refusing to air their arid.smelling rooms, trading their healthy fruits and veggies for a pizza from around the corner, just because some bonky fellows came up with something called "the internet"

Now for the second time, going back to what I was trying to say. This time it was about being crazy...
Well I know I am not crazy because the window I was looking out through is not in a psychiatric hospital. No, it is in my 90 square meters flat (see, nobody is even trying to restrict my space)
Anyway, I was talking about that incident a while ago, the incident in which I looked out of the window, watching the afternoon sky...(by the way, do you still follow?)

While looking out, I dared to squint (one of my favourite pasttimes as a kid...a whizz kid) Suddenly I had the feeling that the house I was in was moving. This is a feeling anybody who ever sat in a halted train while a parallel train takes off will be able to identify with.
I had thought it was the clouds but looking at them, I realized that i have never seen them so still. You are reading expecting to find out what it was. Well sorry to dissapoint you. It was just an inner reminder that nothing stays as it is, but somehow, my mind was able to project it on the outside and i felt myself being carried away by the hands of time. Nothing stays the same. Here today, gone tomorrow!

Everything is moving...velocity!

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